Membership & Membership Fees


As a premier leader within this industry, we help our members connect. Our Members receive exclusive invites to our bioscience events, local and international conferences, and networking events. 

We provide tools and resources that grow your business and your employees. We drive our Members forward with world-class training sessions, industry insights, free job postings, and advertising through our digital channels. 

Become a Member and you’ll thrive. With access to events, training, conferences, insights, and diverse members, we’ll help your business reach beyond its borders and provide you with the right resources to accomplish your goals. 



Business/ Industry Member

Membership shall be limited to companies or individuals that are engaged in the manufacture, research, development, supply of products, and the sale of products or processes based on bioscience products or research.


Associate Member 

Individual organizations who supply or provide services to bioscience organizations, and whose principal business is not in the bioscience sector. This may include an organization or establishment devoted to the promotion of a cause or program, especially one of a public, education, or charitable character. Post-secondary institutions, teaching hospital, research institutes, and other not-for-profit agencies. 

Individual/ Professional in Transition Member

Individuals who wish to be involved but are not associated with a company working in the Life Science industry.


Student Member

Students or post-doc fellows enrolled at a post secondary educational or research institution are eligible to participate in the Association training programs and selected industry events.

Download the Membership Application Form HERE.

For more details, please contact us at



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