Women in Bioscience

Nisha Ajmani


Nisha Ajmani is a Bioinformatician and has been working on various genomics and bioinformatics projects with Fisheries and Oceans, University of Manitoba, and the University of Winnipeg. She has diversified experience in academic research, data analysis, teaching, and project management. She believes that sciences have a deep thought connected to it with a blend of desire to explore and curiosity to solve. She has been working in Canada and internationally with different outreach programs such as Let’s Talk Science and has been mentoring students and researchers working on different projects related to Biosciences. 

She is a key organizer of the Soapbox Science event where researchers from different areas of STEM participate and talk about their research projects in a public event and has been working on this project with a core vision to ignite a passion for science and motivate young students to take up STEM areas of study.  

She is passionate about science and strongly believes that sciences are powerfully contributing to shaping a better world.  


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Q: What is it like to be a woman in bioscience? 

A:  Being a woman in bioscience gives me the power to spread awareness about my field of study i.e., Bioinformatics and motivate young girls to make careers in sciences. 


Q: Who or what inspired you to become a bioinformatician?

A: As a kid, I always wanted to make a career in Computers and Biological Sciences. Being a bioinformatician gives me the power to analyze data to answer biological questions. 


Q: Who are your women role models and not necessarily in science? 

A: My mother is my role model and mentor. She has taught me that one should never stop learning and enjoy every moment of life. 


Q: Do you think there are particular structural roadblocks that impede the progress of women in science? 

A: Yes, there are structural roadblocks such as taking a break/time off from work for raising a family. Not enough support and funding for women in science and gender gap. 


Q: Would you say that through your career, things have become better for women working in the bioscience industry?

A: Yes, nowadays women get a lot more opportunities and exposure. In fact, women are leading the organizations. Kim Kline you are a perfect example of this :) 


Q: How did you reach your level of success, given the sector’s gender gap, especially among leadership? 

A: By attending different networking events, workshops, training sessions and certification courses. 


Q: If you had the option to give advice to a younger version of yourself, what would that be? 

A: Be the best version of yourself and work hard to make dreams a reality. 


"Vidya Dadati Vinayam”

I strongly believe in this beautiful Buddhist quote "Vidya Dadati Vinayam”, a Sanskrit caption which means Education gives humbleness, and the enlightenment obtained through the acquisition of complete and true knowledge gives the bearer discipline, worthiness, good deeds and joy. 


LinkedIn: @Nisha Ajmani

Twitter: @AjmaniNisha


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