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Kane Biotech and the U.S Army Institute of Surgical Research Sign Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

Kane Biotech Inc., a biotechnology company engaged in the development and commercialization of products that prevent and remove microbial biofilms announces that a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) has just been signed with the US Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR) in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. This agreement replaces the original agreement that was previously signed with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

The primary objective of this collaboration on "Treatments to Prevent Biofilm Formation for Promoting Wound Healing" is to develop an antibiofilm-antimicrobial wound gel formulation and test the said gel formulation to address the needs of the United States Army Dental and Trauma Research Detachment's (USADTRD) programs and that can be readily translated into clinical testing for improving the outcomes of wounded casualties. The collaboration includes conducting research using wound infections to test the efficacy of the wound gel containing antimicrobial peptide KSL-W and DispersinB® antibiofilm enzyme in killing biofilm-embedded bacteria by disrupting biofilms formed on the wound surface.

The mission of the United States Army Dental and Trauma Research Detachment (USADTRD) is to provide military relevant research and solutions to treat and rehabilitate craniomaxillofacial trauma and prevent infectious disease. The USADTRD's Biofilm Impaired Wound Healing program focuses on providing algorithms to understand biofilm pathophysiology and test agents useful to treat not only dental biofilm (plaque) and combat wounds-associated biofilm infections, but also to provide antimicrobials for the control of dental plaque-associated oral infections.


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